The Concept

Cinewav allows users to watch a film on a big screen while listening to the audio on their smartphones (in high quality and perfectly in sync). 

This allows for scaling of audio, elimination of noise pollution and costly speaker systems. 

It also allows the creation of novel new cinematic experiences just about anywhere: on rooftops, in the middle of the city, on beaches, in forests (all without noise pollution or compromise in audio quality). 


Events are created on the Cinewav website. For Cinewav library films simply select the film you wish to show. 

For your own film the audio of the film needs to be extracted as an mp3 or HE-AAC (constant bit rate) and uploaded here. 

The film should be in mp4 format and is played locally on the event holder's laptop through the Cinewav Master Player.

Audience members securely download the audio as an Audio Ticket in the Cinewav app


Event holders only need a projector, a screen, a laptop with the Cinewav Master Player and an internet connection.

Audience members only need their mobile phone with an internet connection, the Cinewav app and a pair of headphones.

At the event, audience members simply press play on their Audio Ticket and when the event holder plays the film through the Cinewav Master Player - all phones will instantly sync their audio with the visuals from the film.

Cinewav Event Creation Flow

4 simple steps

Get Started

Create your first Cinewav Experience in just 4 steps

Sign UP

Sign up as an Event Holder. After signing up, check your email to activate your account.

Create An Event

Use the Event Wizard to create an event.

Get Your Audio Ticket

Install the Cinewav app on your phone and get the audio ticket.

Start the Master Player

Download the Master Player to your laptop, login, open your movie and press play. Click play on your phone's audio ticket - it should be in sync with the movie.

1min Overview

Quick Steps - Create A Demo event

Dive in

More in depth - Event CREATION


You can use our DEMO EVENT creation wizard (top right corner of EVENTS page). Or you can create your own demo following this video.

For your demo, choose a Cinewav LIBRARY FILM (we suggest HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS for demo purposes) In this case you won't need to worry about the AUDIO upload step as this is handled automatically by the platform.

Get your Audio Ticket

Search for "Cinewav" in the iOS or Android app store and install it on your phone. Then watch the video to find out how your audience will be able to download your Audio Ticket.

Download the Master Player

Download the Cinewav Master Player from the DOWNLOADS tab in your Event Holder backend. 

Login with your Event Holder email and password.

Then watch the video below on how to use it.

Download Cinewav Master Player

STart the Master Player

Once you're logged in as an event holder, the Master Player will list all your events. Open your Demo Event.

You will have to DOWNLOAD the movie.

Then OPEN MOVIE and click the Play button.

Get the Audio Ticket in the Cinewav app on your phone and press play: the audio should be in sync with the movie.


Recommended Setup


Any projector, LED screen, TV will work. 

We recommend Epson projector models: EH-TW650, EB-U50, EB-2255U or better. These are full HD (1080p) and at least 3100 lumens. Epson projectors are generally much brighter across the color range than other brands at the same lumen rating.

Laptop (Mac or PC)

Mac or PC. Make sure all notifications are shut off. Close all other applications and browser tabs as well. There should be no programs using the internet while the movie is playing.

Mobile data router

We recommend that the laptop uses it's own data connection. It is best is to use a separate mobile data router (mifi) like the one in the picture (with a 4G sim card). Connect the laptop's wifi to the mobile router. Don't share this router's connection with anyone - it should be reserved only for the laptop. Although Cinewav uses very little data through a movie session any interruptions to the data can affect sync quality. The data connection does not need to be fast 3G will work too.

We don't recommend using public wifi.

Media Converter

Using your own film files

What if I have my own film files?

Just use our Media Converter (in the Master Player) to make sure your Video and Audio files are in the right format for playing on the Cinewav platform.Video should be in mp4 format (h264 encoding) and Audio should be HE-AAC or mp3 - our media converter does it all for you.

To get to the Media Converter:

Open Master Player > Settings > Media Conversion Tool.

MAster Player


Can I play videos before the movie?

You may have messages or ads you want to play before the main film. The Cinewav Master Player has a PRE-ROLL feature which is pretty handy.

Just click on the gear icon next to Play Preroll to setup your pre-roll videos.

You'll notice you can also play the USER GUIDE and a COUNTDOWN to the film. Try these and try adding your own videos to the list.

NOTE: pre-rolls will not have any audio for your guests.

FAQ / knowledge base

Have any problems?

If you don't get your answers here do contact us below or in the live chat box.

turn off notifications and close all other apps on master player laptop
Please close all other apps apart from the Cinewav Master Player when using it as other apps may interfere with its internet connection. Also turn off all notifications as this may also interfere with internet messaging to keep sync.
This is important. Since your laptop with the Master Player is keeping all phones in sync with the movie you MUST have a DEDICATED internet connection for your laptop like a MOBILE ROUTER (mifi) with 4G sim card. Do not share this router with others at the event. It should be be only connected to your laptop. DO NOT USE public wifi or an unstable connection. Users should use their own 4G or 3G connection for the duration of the film screening. The amount of data used is only about 2MB for a 2 hour film. 
What are "Ticket Types"?
You can create multiple types of tickets for an event. For example "General entry" which might be a free ticket, or "VIP" which might be reserved seating with special catering. Just name the tickets accordingly and briefly describe them before adding price and performance capacity. 
What settings are best for Audio file?
We find HE-AACv1 or v2 the best codec for audio files. You can also use mp3. For both you must use a constant bit rate or it will not be in sync. Variable bit rate will NOT WORK.  For best quality use our Media Converter (in Settings in Master Player) you can adjust quality but our recommended settings work well.
Can I use Apple's compressor to create the audio FILES?
Yes, Apple's Compressor is excellent at creating the mp3 or HE-AAC audio files. Once again make sure you UNCHECK variable bit rate. You must use constant bit rate of at least 160kbps or higher for mp3 and 48kbps or higher for HE-AAC. 



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